Step 3: Enrolment Form
You MUST complete all the required fields marked with an asterisk '*'.
All phone numbers must have 10 DIGITS & NO SPACES e.g. 0409727927 or 0291306209.
The PRIMARY contact is the Parent/Guardian who is claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and is connected to Centrelink with a Customer Reference Number (CRN). The primary contact will also receive a statement of account each week.
ADDITIONAL/EMERGENCY CONTACTS MUST be different to the primary & secondary contact.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
To claim CCS, you MUST provide a CRN for​ 1 Parent/Guardian & a SEPERATE CRN for each child.
Double-check that each Date Of Birth is correct.
If you do not finish completing the enrolment select 'SAVE', if you finish, select 'SUBMIT'.
If you receive the message below, this means that you still need to complete some fields which will be highlighted red:
Part 1: Enrolment Information
1. Select 'Start Enrolment'​
2. Service to Enrol: select 'Bondi Before & After School Care'​
3. Provide a Primary (CRN HOLDER) & Secondary Contact​
4. Provide 2 Emergency Contacts which are DIFFERENT from the Primary & Secondary Contact​
5. OPTIONAL: Provide a Medical Contact​
6. Complete Child Information​
7. Medical & Dietary Restrictions​
8. Upload Medical Immunisation​ Form
9. Medical Authorisations​
10. Additional Authorisations​
11. Read & Tick to Sign: Service 'Terms & Conditions'​
Part 2: Direct Debit Details
1. Select 'Billing Contact Information': Either Primary or Secondary contact​
2. Read & Tick to Sign: Direct Debit 'Terms & Conditions'​
3. Authorise & Submit billing details for a working Credit Card or Bank Account​​​
4. Select 'Continue'​
Part 3: Submit Enrolment Form & Confirm Submission
1. Select 'Submit'
2. Check your email address to CONFIRM that the enrolment form was submitted​