Our holiday program features a variety of fun and engaging activities chosen by the children and families from our service. Each day is different with exciting excursions such as archery, skyzone and surfing or incursions such as skating, gymnastics and rock-climbing.
The children have plenty of time for free play where they can choose to take part in planned and spontaneous group activities or initiate their own play. The children will be required to bring their own recess and lunch and we provide a healthy afternoon tea each day.
Please note:
All vacation care bookings are booked as 'casual' which can be done through the 'My Family Lounge' App which you can download here.
If you are attending any excursions, you'll also need to complete our online permission form for each child attending and any extra excursion liability forms.
Although staff will assist children in applying sunscreen throughout the day, parents can help BASC in following the Cancer Council Sun Safe Policy by ensuring that children are wearing sun-safe clothing and have applied sunscreen before arrival.
All families are required to provide Bondi BASC with billings details via their online enrolment form before any Vacation Care bookings can be attended.
What you need:
A light carry bag
A wide brimmed hat
Wet weather gear
Comfortable Sun Smart Clothes
Enclosed shoes
Water Bottle
Recess and lunch
Please check daily program for any extra items
Please clearly label all belonging with your child’s name
How to make a vacation care booking
1. Login to the ‘My Family Lounge’ (MFL) app or online MFL account.
2. Select ‘Bookings’
3. Select from options
‘Child’s Name’
‘Service’ - Bondi Before & After School Care
‘Room Type ’ VAC Junior K-2 or VAC Senior 3-6
4. Select the date you require.
GREEN​ ​-​ Date available
​PURPLE​ - Successful booking
​RED​ - Date unavailable - email BASC to be added to the waiting list.
5. Select 'Book Session' to confirm, if you have additional children to add, repeat from Step 3
Click below to download the 'My Family Lounge' App